Traditional owners have been given ownership of the town of Jabiru on the edge of Kakadu National Park, opening a historic new chapter in the region's future.
Key points:
- The town was built in 1982 to support a nearby uranium mine
- As the mine's expiry neared, traditional owners pushed for control over the town's future
- The lease handover will empower them to guide the town's future as a tourism hub
A traditional smoking ceremony attended by Indigenous leaders and the local Mirarr people marked a day of celebration in Jabiru decades in the making.
"I want to thank everybody who has been working with us to assist us to have this land returned to us," senior Mirarr traditional owner Yvonne Margarula said.
"This is a happy day for us. We have very good feelings about today."
The ceremony marked the transfer of the town's lease, initially established to support the nearby Ranger uranium mine, into the hands of local traditional owners.
The handover has been hailed as a major step in reviving the fading mining town into a thriving tourism hub and gateway to Kakadu.
Indigenous Australians Minister Ken Wyatt acknowledged the turbulent history of the mine, which proceeded without the consent of the Mirarr people.
He described the handover as "a monumental moment in the history of land rights in this country".
"The Mirarr people have a comprehensive master plan to transform the local economy away from mining into a world-class tourism destination, with service industries supporting economic growth in the region," he said.
ABC News: Isabel Moussalli
)"Taking ownership of Jabiru and the township lease means traditional owners will now be in control of decisions that affect their land.
"Land security brings economic security. It also brings back the cultural security and strength that always prevailed."
Jabiru was built in 1982 to support the nearby Ranger uranium mine, where operations ended earlier this year.
Mine operator Energy Resources of Australia is required to rehabilitate the mine site over the next five years so it can be incorporated back into the World Heritage-listed Kakadu National park.
It was at one stage also required to remove the town's housing and essential services infrastructure, but community support grew for Jabiru to live on after the mine was mothballed.
The federal and Northern Territory governments have since committed $276 million and $135 million respectively to support the region's transformation into a tourism hub.
Supplied: Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation
)Some groups have raised concerns about the mine's rehabilitation as well as the rate the funding is flowing into the region, but Northern Land Council Chair Samuel Bush-Blanasi told today's ceremony an agreement had been struck with the federal government.
"We have negotiated an important remediation agreement with the Commonwealth, supported by [Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley] to ensure the town-related environmental liability from the last 40 years is a government responsibility," he said.
"Now all Mirarr land is reconnected as Aboriginal land, and always will be."
Minister Ley told attendees her government would continue to work with the Mirarr as the transition continued.
"We are here with you for the long journey ahead," she said.
Town of Jabiru on Kakadu's outskirts handed to local Mirarr people in 'monumental moment' - ABC News
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