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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Local people join firefighters in battling wildfires on Rhodes – video report - The Guardian

Wildfires have been burning on the Greek island of Rhodes for nearly seven days, after an extreme heatwave hit parts of southern Europe. Local authorities ordered a mass evacuation, prompting thousands of tourists to leave their accommodation. Many were evacuated from beaches by coastguards, and thousands more spent the night in local buildings awaiting flights. Local people have been assisting firefighters in battling the flames, using fire extinguishers and towels. Some are urging authorities and neighbouring countries to provide more planes as high winds could spread the fires further

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Local people join firefighters in battling wildfires on Rhodes – video report - The Guardian
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Ti Tree Local Court list, Friday, January 26 - NT News

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Ti Tree Local Court list, Friday, January 26    NT News Ti Tree Local Court list, Friday, January 2...