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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Local footballer Jojo Amaah, whose heart stopped for five minutes after coward punch, fuming at league’s response - 7NEWS

A local footballer who laid “dead on the ground” after an almost fatal coward punch during a suburban match has hit out at the league’s inaction over the matter.

Jojo Amaah’s second game for Southern Football Netball League (SFNL) side Keysborough almost ended in tragedy when he went down after being coward punched from behind following a scuffle.

WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE: Young footballer left to fight for life after shocking incident.

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The footballer had a seizure and went into cardiac arrest on the ground in what quickly became a terrifying scene.

His heart stopped beating for about five minutes as trainers and responders frantically rushed to his assistance.

Compounding the drama, the responding ambulance had to get through a locked gate to access the ground, which was then pried open with an angle grinder by a quick-thinking person at the ground.

Amaah miraculously survived the episode, even asking for a photo as he was being wheeled into the ambulance.

The incident was assessed by an AFL-accredited independent investigator, but conflicting and inconclusive evidence meant no charges were laid.

Furious at the decision, Amaah released an explosive statement on social media on Monday night.

Jojo Amaah is furious at the SFNL. Credit: Instagram/7NEWS

“I haven’t really talked about my incident publicly yet,” he wrote.

“I want everyone to know that I’m absolutely shattered that the SFNL I thought was there to protect me and all of its players are letting this behaviour slide.

“My life was changed forever on the 22nd of April when during the match I put a block on and was punched in the chest before a scuffle broke out and then I’m told at least 1 coward hit me from behind off the ball and due to ‘conflicting statements’ The SFNL is letting the culprit(s) and their club get away with it.

“Not to mention the locked gates and the 11 years out of date defib. Some of the things I’ve heard that the crowd yelled out while I was laying dead on the ground are absolutely disgusting and have no place in football or anywhere for that matter.

“My family and I are truly devastated. We were told by the SFNL CEO that the matter was being investigated by the AFL but have confirmed with the AFL Integrity Unit that they had no knowledge of the incident and therefore have not investigated. The CEO of the SFNL has got to explain the full process publicly.

“All I want is justice and for no other player to go through what my family, teammates, coaches, trainers and I have gone through.”

Amaah posted a photo of himself with his partner when he left hospital after 16 days. Credit: Instagram

The league moved quickly to respond on Tuesday night with a statement of its own, defending its actions and process in response to the sickening incident.

“First and foremost, all at the Southern FNL are extremely pleased that Jojo is recovering well and our best wishes are with him for a healthy future,” the league’s statement reads.

“In response to the social media post by JoJo of 22 May 2023, the Southern FNL can confirm the 22 April incident involving Jojo Amaah, has been fully investigated in accordance with the process available under our By-laws.

“Witness statements in evidence were obtained from players and officials of both participant Clubs and the League match day officials.

“As part of the investigation, discussions were held and guidance sought from Victoria Police and other relevant third parties.

“An independent and accredited investigator was also externally engaged to assess and make any recommendation(s) in relation to further action by the Southern FNL, based on their review of the available evidence.

“Following consideration of the assembled evidence, including witness statements, video evidence and discussions with the above third parties, it was determined there was insufficient evidence to corroborate the bringing of a charge(s) against any individual(s) in relation to the incident, by the League under the By-laws.”

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But Amaah has since hit back again, calling the SFNL out once again for its “lies”.

“No one asked me for a statement!” he said on Tuesday night.

“The SFNL has not checked in with me once regarding my health or wellbeing.

Amaah said that despite being “told in writing this was being referred to the AFL”, he had since been made aware that “the AFL Integrity Unit had not heard of the matter”.

“They have given us no support and in fact threatened any registered players with a minimum 2 week suspension for my post!”

“I am so hurt by these lies.”

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Local footballer Jojo Amaah, whose heart stopped for five minutes after coward punch, fuming at league’s response - 7NEWS
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