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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Infinity Lithium Corporation"s subsidiary invited to present to local Spanish authorities on project - Proactive Investors Australia

Infinity Lithium Corporation Ltd (ASX:INF)'s wholly-owned Spanish subsidiary Extremadura New Energies will present a redesigned technical proposal for the San José Lithium Project to the local Spanish authorities following a public request from the Mayor of Cáceres.

The company has welcomed the invitation by the city council of Cáceres and the regional government of Extremadura to provide the technical assessment of what it sees as an environmentally sustainable project.

Technical studies underpinning San José will be presented based on underground-only mineral extraction and an associated lithium battery chemical production facility.

The company acknowledges the city council of Cáceres’ clarification of multiple project requirements through an underground model providing improved environmental and social outcomes.

Mayor “not opposed to it”

The Mayor of Cáceres noted the administrative and legal framework in the context of the process for assessment through the City Council of Cáceres, saying, "when a new project is proposed, we are not opposed to it; we are in favour of checking that things are done well and that they are legal", and went on to propose the technical presentation of the project for assessment.

INF says it welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with local stakeholders and is seeking clarification and advice on the resolution of alternative legal avenues to advance the project.

The technical presentation of the project will provide visibility to interested parties and stakeholders under the requirements of the administrative process and in adherence with ASX listing rules.

“Highest levels of societal and environmental compliance”

Extremadura New Energies CEO Ramón Jiménez Serrano said: “We welcome the invitation and opportunity to collaborate with government and local stakeholders to ensure all facets of the project are presented in line with the highest levels of societal and environmental compliance.

“The willingness to address alternative formal avenues is a major step forward as all parties seek to resolve a pathway to delivery of a world-class project to cornerstone Extremadura’s lithium-ion battery value chain.”

Extremadura is rapidly advancing renewable energy and lithium-ion battery value chain projects.

The company was buoyed by the recent announcement of the application for a sustainable lithium-ion battery giga-factory in the province of Cáceres.

City and regional response

The city council of Cáceres and the regional government of Extremadura have both endorsed the requirement for an environmentally sustainable project that will be good for Cáceres and Extremadura.

Cáceres city council called for a repositioning of the project and the regional government of Extremadura highlighted the alignment to the Mayor of Cáceres and reinforced calls for the technical assessment of the redesigned project through spokesman Juan Antonio González, calling for "an environmentally viable project, because that would be good for Cáceres and for Extremadura, but it must meet a series of requirements".

The regional government of Extremadura has acknowledged the requirement for the project to be formally presented and publicly registered, following the resolution of an Investigation Permit Valdeflorez (‘PIV’) which is currently before the Contentious Appeal Court of Cáceres, or through alternative legal avenues sought in advance of the determination.

Extremadura New Energies will continue to collaborate with all stakeholders and align the project to the locality of Cáceres.

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Infinity Lithium Corporation"s subsidiary invited to present to local Spanish authorities on project - Proactive Investors Australia
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