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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Western Australia records 222 local COVID-19 cases, with two people now in hospital - ABC News

Western Australia has recorded 222 new local cases of COVID-19, including the first of this outbreak in a remote Indigenous community.

Seven travel-related infections were also recorded. 

Two of the cases are in hospital, with one of the patients unvaccinated against COVID. Neither is in ICU.

Sunday's figures bring the total number of active COVID-19 cases in WA to 1,044.

WA has recorded 3,358 cases since the COVID-19 pandemic began.

Indigenous community in lockdown

WA Health has confirmed two of the new cases are in the Mantamaru community, 1,000km north-east of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

Mantamaru, which is in the Ngaanyatjarra Lands on the edge of the Gibson Desert, is a few hundred kilometres from the Northern Territory and South Australian borders.

The community, which is also known as Jameson, has been placed in lockdown.

The ABC understands they are the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in a remote West Australian Aboriginal community in the current outbreak.

Five close contacts have been identified and all are in isolation.

There are believed to be about 50 people in the community working with police and health authorities to keep the community safe.

Meanwhile, the government said demand for COVID vaccinations, including the booster shot, was increasing.

A sign on an easel reading 'We are a COVID-19 vaccination clinic'.
More West Australians are looking to get vaccinated, health authorities say.(ABC News: Keane Bourke)

It said a third dose "vaccination blitz" was underway, with an extra 40,000 appointments available at state-run clinics.

More to come.

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Western Australia records 222 local COVID-19 cases, with two people now in hospital - ABC News
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