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Monday, February 28, 2022

Local Government Association promotes 'Local Voices' on Kangaroo Island - The Islander

Local Government Association of SA executive director of public affairs, Lea Bacon travelled to Penneshaw this week to attend a Southern and Hills Local Government Association meeting and discuss priority issues for councils in the lead up to next month's state election.

Southern and Hills councils have identified liveability and connectivity issues as some of the highest on their priority list, wanting to see housing, transport and telecommunications issues addressed, as well as an increased focus on bushfire recovery and activating regional areas to reach their full potential.

The association is undertaking a series of regional visits in coming weeks, to gain closer insights into the current challenges for regional councils and how stronger partnerships with the state government could benefit local communities.

"Our election platform brings together the top priority issues for councils, but there's no substitute to hearing local voices first-hand. It has been great to be able to listen to sector's leaders in their local area and take the time to really understand how these issues impact local communities," Lea Bacon said.

"One of our key requests is the next state government commit to establishing a State-Local Government Relations Agreement that ensures government action responds to local needs and considers local solutions.

"Kangaroo Island is an example of a council area with very unique needs - like the need for funding support to secure regular flights to and from the Island - which both facilitate health and business services and enable the tourism sector.

"Bushfire response and recovery is another area where understanding local circumstances is critical to effective action.

"We are asking for an agreement to ensure local views and experiences on these issues can form part of decision-making at state level.

"Many regional communities are experiencing shortages in housing and basic services, and it's encouraging to see councils having a positive impact through projects such as the childcare facility proposed at Parndana.

"For us, the state election is a great opportunity to remind the major parties about the valuable local insights councils can provide, and what can be achieved when councils are supported to implement local solutions."

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Local Government Association promotes 'Local Voices' on Kangaroo Island - The Islander
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